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The Future of Hannah & Fable

I've been quiet, for a while! With moving house and getting married to my freelance business picking up traction I've barely stoped to think about my little shop and blog.

I've also got another reason for being particularly quiet over the past few months... I'm 4 months pregnant!

With all of this going on I've had to think about what I want to do with Hannah & Fable. I was started to feel stressed about producing art or products to sell, especially around the holiday periods. I just kept putting things off and ended up completely abandoning Hannah & Fable.

The reason I started Hannah & Fable was to organise my chaotic thoughts in a creative way through art, writing and crafts. I wanted a space where I could explore my mind and share some of the things I discover or create over the process. I have always loved reading other people's blogs, vlogs and Instagram profiles that I wanted to create my own and maybe inspire someone else to do the same.

So here is what I've decided to do:

  • Hannah & Fable Etsy shop has closed and won't be reopening, for many reasons. As my little family grows bigger and I get used to being a mum, I know I won't have the mental capacity to upkeep an online store.

  • The blog will be more personal, more diary-like opposed to carefully curated content.

  • My YouTube channel will be back, at some point, and will mainly contain vlogs as we prepare our house for baby as well as any crafts I decide to make along the way.

  • My Instagram will be art and writing focused. Anything I create and want to share. I won't be sticking to a theme or trying to get followers, I just want a space to share my creative side.

So that's it I guess.

Until next time, whenever that may be.


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